Managing your calendar (for hosts)

This is an article for hosts to manage their calendar. If you are a guest and want to learn about calendars, go here. For information for hosts about snoozing or removing your spot, go here

There are two important things to know about your calendar:

  1. Your calendar is default available and to make time unavailable you need to add calendar blocks.
  2. All bookings are auto confirmed and we do not support request to book. You can cancel bookings if needed, but it is important to keep your calendar up to date to define when bookings are allowed.

The available time shown on your calendar is determined by: a) your calendar blocks, b) your advanced notice requirements, and c) your maximum allowed advanced booking. This article is focused on your calendar blocks.

You can update your calendar on our website by logging into your host account here or on your mobile app. Once you log into your account, click the Calendar option and select the spot you would like to edit the calendar for from the dropdown box. If you have multiple spots, make sure to double check that you are editing the calendar on the correct spot!

You can update your calendar through our app by logging into your account in the app, touching the Calendar option from the host page and switch between spots from the drop down spot icon on the right corner of the app. You can change the calendar view as Month or List as preferred by you. To add a block you can either touch the Add Block option (List view) or scroll down the page on the Month view and touch 'Add Block'.

Your calendar shows available times as white and non-available times as grey. Reservations are shown as a non-available time. We also block 30 min on either side of reservations to ensure there is no overlap in dogs. TWO IMPORTANT THINGS: 

  1. We do not block time between reservations and blocks on your calendar, so if you are blocking time on your calendar and want a buffer, you need to add that buffer into your calendar block.
  2. Your host calendar does not show time that is blocked by advanced notice requirements as unavailable. So if you see that time is showing as available on your host calendar, but showing as unavailable on your guest calendar (accessible via your spot detail page), make sure to check your advanced notice requirements to see if those requirements are blocking time on your guest calendar.

You can edit any white time that is in the future that is not a reservation. Reservations cannot be edited through the calendar. Times in the past are shown as not available and cannot be edited. 

  • You can add a one time block or a repeating block if there is a specific time you are regularly not available. 
  • You can also view the day's schedule by clicking the 'View day schedule' option when a particular is selected.
  • You can also add multi-day blocks

You can remove blocks on your calendar by clicking on the block and pressing the delete button. 

You can now remove a single day in a recurring block by clicking the Delete blocked time option and choose 'Delete block on this day' option and choose the desired date and click Delete. This will delete the block from the particular date from a recurring block. Note: This feature is currently available only when using the mobile app.

If you want to see what your calendar looks like to a guest, go to your public listing page and click the calendar link. 

You can access your calendar through your account here or on the mobile app.

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Discussion Topic: Calendar

Discussion Topic: Google Calendar

Discussion Topic: Block Time

Discussion Topic: Set Hours

Discussion Topic: Hours of Operation

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