CHECKLIST: Marketing your spot

Marketing your spot is key to being successful as a Sniffspot host. Marketing can help build your business, but having frequent guests is important for becoming a Top Spot. You can see the results of marketing efforts at a glance by viewing your Host analytics.

There are many easy ways you can spread the word about your spot to local dog parents. Below is a checklist for marketing your spot:

1. First, make sure you are ready for new guests to visit:

  • Make sure you have the best listing. Read our guide here
  • Ensure you are set up to provide a great experience to guests to turn new guests into regular guests. Read our guide here.

2. Social media: This is a super-easy way to get huge awareness for your new spot. 

3. Website: If you have a personal or business website, make sure to link to your spot from your website.

4.  Flyers: Post flyers in key areas around your neighborhood. Read more here

5.  Yard sign: Signs are a great way to alert local dog parents of a new spot in their area. Read more here to learn how.

6.  Craigslist: Yes, Craigslist can work well for attracting new guests. Read more here.

7.  Email

  • Send an email out to friends. Learn about how to do it here
  • Add your spot listing URL to your email signatures.

8. Local pet services providers: Ensure other local pet service providers are aware of your spot. Read more here.

9. Business-card-sized handouts: Carry business cards with you to hand out to folks. Read more here.

10. Reach out to local media: Local newspapers and blogs love to hear about locals with a new side hustle trying to help dogs. Read more here.

11.  Promo code: Hosts can create their own promo / discounts codes through the mobile app. Read more here.

  1. Mass messaging: Hosts can broadcast mass messages easily to send announcements and promotions to potential guests, recent guests, and upcoming guests. Read more here.

For more ideas, we recommend joining our Sniffspot Host Community - which is our host-only community where hosts swap tips and ask questions. You can also check out the host marketing section of your host account here.

Once you are set up for providing a great experience for hosts, then check out our next articles for success as a host:

Check out a webinar video from David on marketing your spot:

See what other hosts are saying about this topic in our Sniffspot Host Community on Facebook!

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Discussion Topic: Signs

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