Custom discount codes for your spot
Hosts can create their own promo / discounts codes through the mobile app. Hosts can give discount codes to guests and guests can enter the codes at checkout to get discounts on bookings.
Follow these steps to create your own discount codes:
- Open the mobile app
- Go to your host account
- Go to your spot edit page from the home menu
- Select "Discount codes" from the bottom of the spot edit menu
- Enter the information for the discount code
- Click save
- Share the discount code with your guests for them to use
You can also edit existing discount codes in this section.
In addition to custom discount codes, every host has a custom promo / discount code to offer $5 off their visit to any first time Sniffspot guest. This is a great way to encourage folks to give your spot a try and to begin building up your clientele. You can get your custom discount code in the host marketing section of your host account here.
After you create a custom discount code, you can also broadcast mass messages easily to send promotions in bulk to potential guests, recent guests, and upcoming guests.
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