
Extras allow Hosts to offer customizable goods, rentals, and experiences for an additional fee at checkout (or when modifying a reservation) so guests can then enjoy them during their visit. 
Because Extras are currently 100% customizable, it’s up to you how creative you get with your offerings. You can set a name, description, and price. Extras are priced per reservation, and guests can check to add an extra or not, so any Extra with multiple quantities must be listed separately (i.e., 1 bottle of water, 2 bottles of water).

Note: All of our prices are in USD and we do not support additional currencies at this time. So if you are an international host, makes sure to keep in mind when you set prices that you are setting them in USD, the prices on your spot will show in USD and your guests will pay in USD. We hope to be able to support additional currencies in the future.

When a booking is made, guests will have the option to purchase your Extras for an additional fee during checkout. Sniffspot standard fees apply to Extras.
If a guest has purchased an extra, it'll appear in your booking confirmation email and on your host booking detail page.
Our cancellation and modification policy applies to Extras.
Setting up and managing Extras.
  • On your Host Dashboard, scroll to the 'Extras' section and click 'Extras' or click the Extras link in the header dropdown.
  • From here, you can create brand new Extras or manage existing ones.
  • Note: Extras are shown on your spot detail page in alphabetical order.
  • For each Extra, you can set a name, description, and price. Extras can be turned on or off at any time at both the property and spot level.

3rd party liability claims and damage coverage

3rd party liability claims and damage coverage for Sniffspot visits with Extras are covered, just like any Sniffspot visit. For 3rd party liability claims and damage related specifically to Extras, our Host Protection Insurance and damage coverage only covers Extras that are related to features of your property that would normally be considered part of a spot.

  • Here are some examples of what is covered:
    • Bathing - kiddie pools, sprinklers, hoses, wash stations, etc for dogs.
    • Swimming - this is in a pool, pond, etc where dogs can actually swim, not just wade.
    • Additional part of property - like access to a special garden or a hiking area
  • Here are some examples of what is currently not covered:
    • Food for humans or dogs
    • Services - like training or grooming
    • Equipment rental - like ATVs or golf carts
    • Extras involving animals or people

What can you offer as an Extra

While you can get creative and offer anything as an Extra, here are some examples of Extra categories that you can consider:
1) Experiences
  • Get creative with your experiences! Some ideas to get started:
    • A tour of your farm or property or natural area
    • If you are a certified trainer, offering a variety of dog training classes
    • Any kind of lessons
    • Structured dog playdates
    • A nature walk highlighting the local ecology, flora, and fauna of your area
    • Etc.
  • Hosts are responsible for coordinating experience details and logistics with guests.
  • Be sure to review our guidelines on experiences.
2) Rentals
  • Rental ideas:
    • Agility equipment
    • Long lines
    • Grilling equipment
    • Etc
  • Hosts are responsible for coordinating rental details and logistics with guests.
  • Sniffspot does not support waivers or the collection of guest signatures.
3) Goods
  • Goods ideas:
    • Dog treats
    • Human food and drinks (e.g., Picnic package)
    • Firewood
    • Homemade crafts (e.g., dog collars, soaps, etc.)
    • Etc
  • Hosts are responsible for coordinating goods details and logistics with guests.

We do not allow charging as an Extra for unguided access to the spot itself since this should be included in the base price.

Top selling Extras

Here are the top selling types of Extras in order of popularity:

  • Bathing - kiddie pools, splash pads, sprinklers, hoses, wash stations, etc. for dogs.
  • Additional part of property - like access to a special garden or a hiking area
  • Swimming - this is in a pool, pond, etc where dogs can actually swim, not just wade.
  • Human food - farm fresh eggs, meals, refreshments
  • Dog training

Other Extras that you may want to consider are dog parties and events, dog agility equipment, and dog farewells and memorials.


If you are ready to get started, go to your Host Dashboard and add an Extra!

See what other hosts are saying about this topic in our Sniffspot Host Community on Facebook!

Discussion topic: Extras

Discussion topic: Splash Pad

Discussion topic: Swimming Pool

Discussion topic: Dog Treats

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