How to avoid surprise bookings?
Even those hosts can still take advantage of our Booking option to make their spot more accessible to guests. There are two good ways to do this (you can use one method or the other or both!)
- You can set your Advanced Notice such that you feel comfortable that you will always have time to response to a Booking. For instance, if you are often in meetings during the day and can't check your phone, you can set a 3 hour advanced notice required so you will always have time to see the booking on your phone and make sure the spot is ready. However, be aware that many guests prefer to book with less advanced notice, so the less advanced notice you set the more available your spot will be for prospective guests.
- You can block out the times that your yard is unreliably available on your calendar. This will only allow people to book at times when your yard is reliably available.
You can also keep tabs on all of your upcoming reservations on your reservation page.