How can I help spread the word about Sniffspot?
- Give us feedback on our website and service. We are hungry for feedback to make our product better! You can give us feedback here.
- Follow us on social media and share our posts with the link to our website. Here is our Facebook and Instagram.
- Tell your neighborhood about us on and link to our website.
- Sign up for our newsletter and forward it to your friends. The newsletter sign up is in the footer of this page.
- Print some of our flyers and post them around your neighborhood and/or workplace. We have two flyer templates: get more sniff spots and raise awareness for dog owners. Great neighborhood places to post flyers are coffee shops, laundromats, community centers, apartment buildings and other local retail or dog-related businesses.
- Visit our sniff spots and write a review! The more reviews we have, the more people trust our sniff spots! Browse our sniff spots here.