Getting local media coverage of your spot

Getting local media coverage is a free and easy way to publicize your new spot! Here is how you should approach it:

  • Make a list of local media companies: include newspapers, radio stations, television stations, blogs and podcasts
  • Send each media outlet a brief pitch via their Facebook page or via email (you can often find an email on their site, but keep in mind it's better to email a personal email than a general info@ type email)
  • The best pitches:
    • Are personally written to each specific contact
    • Include a compelling reason for why covering your spot is relevant to the media outlet's audience. Good reasons could include:
      • Many local folks have dogs that need safe, private spaces to play and would appreciate hearing about a new option
      • People love hearing about dog-related products and dogs having fun
      • This is a new side gig being run by a local in the community - it's a human interest story
      • You can also come up with other reasons if you like
    • Include a call to action - close with something like "I think my new spot is relevant to your audience and I would love to be covered by {media company name}. Please let me know the best next steps."
  • Don't be surprised if you don't hear back from them right away - respectfully follow up regularly to keep your request at the top of their inbox
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