How do I review a guest?
We expect our hosts to write reviews for guests that visit their spot. This is an important part of how our community works. It helps guests when hosts write reviews and it also helps other hosts.
If you have already reviewed a guest that has visited your spot and they visit again, rate them again. This helps them build their reputation.
Hosts can only write reviews for guests that visited their spot - meaning they have a confirmed reservation for which the start time of the reservation is in the past. Hosts can only write one review for the guest per visit. Hosts cannot see guest reviews of their spot until they write a review for the guest or the review writing window expires (10 days after the reservation). If a host has not yet reviewed a guest for that reservation, the host can only write a review within 10 days of the visit, otherwise the option to review expires and any review from the guest is published.
Hosts can write reviews from their reservation page.